Culbac animal products for sheep and goats are specially formulated to promote digestive balance which supports health and performance in these ruminating animals. As a part of the animal feed regimen, Culbac animal products for sheep and goats are concentrated feed additives that include our proprietary Culbac® Probiotic Plus™ probiotic + prebiotic + postbiotic formulation. This formulation provides stabilized beneficial bacteria and nutrient fermentate beneficial to the animal’s entire digestive tract.
Studies have been conducted in lambs, ewes, rams, kids, does, and bucks. Goats produce milk differently than cows, and the health requirements for their digestive tract are provided by Culbac® products.
Culbac Animal products optimize the nutritional strategy on your farm. By supplementing sheep feed and goat feeds with Culbac products, providing ruminants like sheep and goats with optimal function throughout their entire complex digestive system offers superior nutrient uptake, a strong and healthy immune system, high productivity, and high fertility.
Healthy Start®
A liquid form of Culbac product that can be included in milk replacer, colostrum, or milk. Can be delivered as a spray or drench or included in daily rations.
Culbac Dry
A dry form of Culbac on a corn-cob base that can be included in TMR or top-dressed for daily digestive support.
A dry form of Culbac on a corn-cob base with an additional vitamin/mineral pack specifically formulated to support the rumen.
When incorporated into milk, water or feed for sheep or goats, Culbac animal products travel through the entire digestive tract with a concentrated formula of vitamins, minerals and nutrients as well as protected stabilized bacteria. When these bacterial bodies reach the animals’ gut, enzymes release bioactive ingredients which stimulate the growth of the beneficial bacteria existing in the gut and prevent bad bacteria from colonizing.
Additional bioactive ingredients included in the formulation have been shown to dilate blood vessels, support responsiveness to stressors, support reproductive efficiency, and provide other physiological support. Also, the protected cell membrane of the bacteria and nonviable cpgDNA are exposed to the digestive lining which has been shown to stimulate an animal’s immune system, so it is primed and is ready for a faster and more effective response to stress or pathogens (bad bacteria).
In ruminant animals, like goats, we often focus on the rumen and want to ensure that the microbiome of the rumen is adequate for digesting and accessing the nutrients in feedstuffs. However, the reticulum is responsible for the microbial breakdown of food as well.
Fortunately, Culbac products when fed a regular diet have shown to be effective throughout the entire digestive tract and the microbiome. When the tract is optimized, and enhanced total digestible nutrient value of your ration can be efficiently absorbed and utilized. This is important because nutrient uptake is necessary for any production animal to thrive. In male goats, the reproductive system, including the accessory organs, depend on healthy nutritional support. Ensuring motility and patency of sperm is important in male goats used for breeding. Increasing “buck power” means an increase in your return on investment for optimizing feed and nutritional balance in your buck or billy.
Whethers (castrated males) need optimized nutrition as well. Most importantly, in all goat digestive systems, a wide variety of bacterial species are necessary for appropriate break-down of feed and absorption of nutrients. Protein is important in bucks and whethers, and grain should be adjusted to body condition to avoid overfeeding. Microbes in the reticulum and rumen help break down the fibrous components of grass, forbs, and browse. Many of the additional large byproducts of feed continue through the digestive tract to the omasum where further digestion and water absorption is key – this requires some different and specialized bacterial species. By the time the material flows to the abomasum, where acidic breakdown is key, the lactic acid in Culbac is an important component to help ensure digestion in the abomasum. Culbac helps the ruminant animal in multi-faceted ways to help animals get the most out of their feed.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
Optimal fertility depends on the right diet and efficient nutrient uptake in the animal to ensure proper hormone levels are achieved and to prepare the uterus for implantation. You can have the best ration possible, but if the doe is unable to access or use the nutrients appropriately because her digestive tract is out of balance or not optimized, then you will not achieve your reproductive goals. Balanced cycling, effective implantation, and making it through the first days of gestation without embryo loss all depend on nutrient uptake. This is the key time to support rumen function and optimize the bacteria in the ruminal compartments to ensure nutrient uptake and efficient breeding. The highest nutrient requirement timing in the doe is in late pregnancy. This is the time when we increase feed to improve energy uptake, which is a time when the microbiome needs to be supported to manage the increase in diet (so microbial efficiency is important). This is also a time when the immune system can become somewhat depressed. As in species from mice to cows to humans, late pregnancy is a time when the immune system becomes balanced toward anti-inflammatory responses and does not respond as robustly to challenges. This is a time when the benefits of Culbac products are at their most influential and supportive.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry, and Rumen-Bac
At kidding, the doe is expending energy to prepare for delivery and to produce sufficient milk to feed the kid. Energy balance at this stage in the process is critical to ensuring the doe is healthy, the kid is born healthy, and that the doe has a healthy udder to produce the milk for the kid. Each of these physiological challenges requires energy from the nutrients being fed to the animal. Culbac animal products have been shown to improve digestibility of feedstuffs and improve feed efficiency. Optimizing nutritional uptake from the gestational ration is the most important factor to focus on to affect all three of these important areas. No shot or pharmaceutical intervention is going to replace a poor or imbalanced digestive tract in the goat – the best health insurance is providing optimal support to the rumen during gestation, at the critical stages of late gestation, at kidding, and during the challenges of early lactation.
Ensuring that every kid gets a healthy start in life is the best way to capitalize on your investment. You’ve spent time, energy, and money to make sure the doe delivered her kid well, now is the time to ensure that kid thrives during its life span. The passive immunity delivered from colostrum and ensuring the first feeding within the first hour will help, as gut closure happens within six hours. Initial development of digestive balance in the neonate is key. Starting from day one using Culbac Healthy Start® to ensure the best possible digestive tract function will help support development and immune responsiveness (gut associated lymphoid tissues, IgA, etc.) in the kid. When kids are born, their digestive function resembles that of a monogastric animal. The swings in pH that are associated with every feeding take extra energy from the kid, and the rumen that starts building in the young kid is affected by how well the kid is able to utilize the nutrients coming from the doe’s udder. Additionally, this is the time when passive immunity is shared between the doe and her offspring. Optimizing that protective infusion from the doe and improving immune function in the young kid will serve that animal throughout its entire lifespan. This is the time to use Healthy Start® to make sure your kid has the best start possible.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry, and Rumen-Bac
Weaning is a stressful time for young goats. When animals are stressed, their immune systems are not working at optimal strength. Scours and pathogenic exposure can challenge your kids. Minimizing stress in your animal is the best way to ensure healthy kids for the future of your farm leading to healthy adults, and efficient response to vaccination. Low quality grass hay will not meet the nutrient requirements of gestating, lactating, or growing goats. Boosting the immune system and minimizing stress at the same time is a great added benefit to support the health of your goats and optimize immunization responses to give your goats the best protection. Supplementation is key, Culbac animal products are ideal supplements in goats.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry, and Rumen-Bac
Growth: Higher amounts of protein and energy are required for higher rates of gain, both on a percentage basis and as total pounds. Protein source should be considered to accurately balance rations. Pasture-based diets require greater amounts of crude protein for the animal. Soy–corn based diets require less crude protein for the animal. Any change in diet should be accomplished gradually. This is important because the microbial balance within the digestive tract needs time to adjust when changing feed or feed balance. Culbac can help with these transition times by supporting microbial growth and function in the rumen. The nutrients in hay and digestibility of hay can vary greatly. It is important to provide quality hay for your goats, including hay with good fiber content, high protein and energy, and great digestibility. Selenium and copper are important in the growing goat, as are other trace minerals. Adding Culbac products to feed can help with digestion, microbiome changes and balance, and lead to strong immunity.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
In the maintenance phase for goats that are on the farm long-term, feed efficiency is very important. Better feed efficiency in these ruminant animals results from higher numbers of the appropriate digestive bacteria for the feeds you are feeding. To achieve this balance, Culbac products can help. Ensuring a healthy, balanced microbiome will improve animal performance and ensure higher profitability, as well as improved animal health including a health immune system and reduced pathogen challenge. The short-chain fatty acids that are produced with Culbac supplementation can help reduce pH in the abomasum and aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients. Stress or illness can make a goat go off feed, sometimes requiring additional inputs or medications. Culbac can be added to the feed in conjunction with these inputs to support and maintain healthy gut bacteria. Supporting gut bacteria has been shown to strengthen the immune system. Adding Culbac products to the daily ration will help to make sure animals stay on feed, improve feed to gain ratios, and help your investment thrive.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
Healthy goats for milk or meat production are the key to quality and profit. Stressors on the farm or feed changes can affect animals with off-feed behaviors or immune compromise. Finding ways to keep your feed–to–gain ratios their best and make sure your meat quality is high is money in your pocket. Ensuring high milk production with high fat and protein content is only possible if your animals are using the feed you are providing at the highest efficiency. Keeping the microbiome working well, and animals healthy, is the key to the highest production and profits. The Culbac family of animal products are concentrated feed additives that contain beneficial nutrients and bacteria to support gut health and deliver the highest quality products. The investment of a few cents per head can mean dollars in return.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
In male sheep, the focus for good health is often on the rumen. Ensuring that the microbiome of the rumen is adequate for digesting and accessing the nutrients in feedstuffs is critical. However, the reticulum is responsible for the microbial breakdown of food as well. Fortunately, Culbac products are effective throughout the entire digestive tract. The microbiome throughout the tract is optimized and enhanced by feeding Culbac along with your animal’s regular diet. This is important because nutrient uptake is necessary for any production animal to thrive. In rams, the reproductive system, including the accessory organs, depend on healthy nutritional support. Ensuring motility and patency of sperm is important in breeding rams. Most importantly, in the digestive system of all sheep, a wide variety of bacterial species are necessary for appropriate break-down of feed and absorption of nutrients. Sheep require fiber or roughage to ensure proper function of the rumen, and the appropriate bacterial balance to break down cellulose from plants into useable nutrients. Volatile fatty acids and cellular carbohydrates metabolites are produced during ruminal fermentation and provide energy to the animal. The lactic acid in Culbac is an important component to help ensure digestion in the abomasum and pH balance in the digestive tract. Culbac helps the ruminant animal in multi-faceted ways to help animals get the most out of their feed.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
Optimal fertility depends on the right diet and efficient nutrient uptake in the animal to ensure proper hormone levels are achieved and to prepare the uterus for implantation. You can have the best ration possible, but if the ewe is unable to access or use the nutrients appropriately because her digestive tract is out of balance or not optimized, then you will not achieve your reproductive goals. Balanced cycling, effective implantation, and making it through the first weeks without embryo loss all depend on nutrient uptake. This is the key time to support rumen function and optimize the bacteria in the ruminal compartments to ensure nutrient uptake and efficient breeding. The highest nutrient requirement timing in the ewe is in early pregnancy. Improving energy uptake during this time is key to a successful gestation and is a time when the microbiome needs to be supported to manage the increase in diet (so microbial efficiency is important). Late in pregnancy is a time when the immune system can become somewhat depressed. As in species from mice to cows to humans, late pregnancy is a time when the immune system becomes balanced toward anti-inflammatory responses and does not respond as robustly to challenges. This is a time when the benefits of Culbac products are at their most influential and supportive.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
At lambing, the ewe is expending energy to prepare for delivery and to produce sufficient milk to feed the lamb. Energy balance at this stage in the process is critical to ensuring the ewe is healthy, the lamb is born healthy, and that the ewe has a healthy udder to produce the milk for the lamb. Each of these physiological challenges require energy from the nutrients being fed to the animal. Optimizing nutritional uptake from the gestational ration is the most important factor to focus on to affect all three of these important areas. No shot or pharmaceutical intervention is going to replace a poor or imbalanced digestive tract in the sheep – the best health-insurance is providing optimal support to the rumen during gestation, at the critical stages of late gestation, at lambing, and during the challenges of early lactation.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
At lambing, the ewe is expending energy to prepare for delivery and to produce sufficient milk to feed the lamb. Energy balance at this stage in the process is critical to ensuring the ewe is healthy, the lamb is born healthy, and that the ewe has a healthy udder to produce the milk for the lamb. Each of these physiological challenges require energy from the nutrients being fed to the animal. Optimizing nutritional uptake from the gestational ration is the most important factor to focus on to affect all three of these important areas. No shot or pharmaceutical intervention is going to replace a poor or imbalanced digestive tract in the sheep – the best health-insurance is providing optimal support to the rumen during gestation, at the critical stages of late gestation, at lambing, and during the challenges of early lactation.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
Weaning is a stressful time for young sheep. When animals are stressed, their immune systems are not working at optimal strength. Scours and pathogenic exposure can challenge your livestock. Minimizing stress in your animal is the best way to ensure healthy lambs for the future of your farm leading to healthy adults, and efficient response to vaccination. Sheep are usually grazers, and because of the exposure to pathogens in the environment, boosting the immune system and minimizing stress at the same time is a great added benefit to support the health of your sheep and optimize immunization responses to give your sheep the best protection. Too much grain is an issue that can be fatal to a young sheep. Making sure that the digestive tract has the right balance of microbial support and nutrient transport mechanisms in the tissues, as well as opting for grain that is unprocessed and coarse, will help. However, achieving the right balance in the diet is the most important plan. Culbac animal feed supplements provide beneficial nutrients and stabilized bacteria to support the microbiome which has been shown to strengthen a sheep’s immune system and provide protection from health challenges on the farm.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
The natural diet of ruminants like sheep is forages: grass, hay, silage, and browse. While fermented feeds provide a benefit to the animal in digestibility (see Culbac Hay and Silage Preservation products), roughage is important in the diet as well. Higher amounts of protein and energy are required for higher rates of gain, both on a percentage basis and as total pounds. A protein source should be considered to accurately balance rations. Pasture-based diets require greater amounts of crude protein for the animal. Grains should be unprocessed and coarse as much as possible if fed as a supplemental source. Any change in diet should be accomplished gradually. This is important because the microbial balance within the digestive tract needs time to adjust when changing feed or feed balance. Culbac can help with these transition times by supporting microbial growth and function in the rumen. The nutrients in hay and digestibility of hay can vary greatly. It is important to provide quality hay for your sheep, including hay with good fiber content, high protein and energy, and great digestibility. Selenium is important in the growing sheep, as are other trace minerals. Adding Culbac products can help with digestion, microbiome changes and balance, and immunity.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
In the feedlot, long-term feed efficiency is very important. Better feed efficiency in these ruminant animals results from higher numbers of the appropriate digestive bacteria for the feeds you are feeding. To achieve this balance, Culbac products can help. Ensuring a healthy, balanced microbiome will improve animal performance and ensure higher profitability, as well as improved animal health including a health immune system and reduced pathogen challenge. The short-chain fatty acids that are produced with Culbac supplementation can help reduce pH in the abomasum and aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients. Stress or illness can make a lamb or sheep go off feed, sometimes requiring additional inputs or medications. Culbac Healthy Start can be included in inputs or feed to support the microbiome even during medication cycles or deworming.
Transport stress is particularly challenging in sheep. This stress lowers immune efficiency and can set the animal up for losses in productivity rather than gains in production. Supporting the immune system by adding Culbac products to the daily ration prior to transport will help to make sure animals stay on feed, improve feed to gain ratios, and help your investment thrive upon arrival to the feedlot. Because profit-margins are so narrow in the sheep industry, the advantages of feeding Culbac products, including lower mortality and morbidity, higher feed-to-gain ratios, higher nutrient digestibility, better immune function (less medication costs), will provide a high return on your investment.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
The health of your sheep defines quality whether producing wool, milk, or meat. Stressors on the farm or feed changes can affect animals with off-feed behaviors or immune compromise. Finding ways to keep your feed to production ratios their best and make sure your production quality is high is beneficial to return on investment. Ensuring high milk production with high fat and protein content is only possible if your animals are using the feed you are providing at the highest efficiency. Keeping the microbiome working well, and animals healthy, is the key to the highest production and profits. The family of Culbac animal products are produced with a proprietary concentrated formulation to provide necessary nutrients and beneficial stabilized bacteria for optimal rumen function.
Products: Healthy Start, Culbac Dry and Rumen-Bac
Phone: (712) 732-2241
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