Healthy Start® – Nutritional Feed Supplement for Livestock

A healthy intestinal microflora is critical for the health and performance of newborn and young animals as well as sick livestock. In older animals experiencing digestive challenges, such as medications, stress (heat, transport, co-mingling), keeping your animal on feed and the digestive system optimized is the key to your best return on investment.

Culbac® Healthy Start® is manufactured using a unique process to produce a fermentation product that includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients, biopeptides and other important nutrients. Also included are proprietary, stabilized bacteria, including Lactobacillus cells. These are available throughout the digestive tract to animals fed Healthy Start. Optimized levels of beneficial intestinal bacteria modulates stress responses, enhances immunity, stimulates appetite, and supports overall animal health.

Healthy Start is all-natural, easy to use, and is designed for daily oral administration in livestock. Healthy Start is appropriate for newborn and young animals. Building digestive efficiency helps young animals grow faster and stronger, supporting them through the weaning process. An optimized digestive system boosts immunity and improves lifelong performance in livestock.

Healthy Start has been shown in scientific studies to increase healthy intestinal microflora in the rumen and throughout the digestive tract. Maintaining healthy intestinal microflora in the digestive system and minimizing pathogens (bad bacteria) in the digestive tract of animals minimizes challenges and illness. Supporting digestive changes through the weaning process helps to minimize the risk of scours and maintain performance. Healthy Start can be used in conjunction with other medication programs including antimicrobials (including essential oils), anti-parasitic, deworming, and vaccinations.

The benefits of Healthy Start are most apparent when the animal is stressed, immunologically challenged, or experiencing less-than-optimal environmental or nutritional conditions. Unlike probiotics, Healthy Start can be delivered with antibiotics because it is no longer live bacteria. Healthy Start is a dynamic functional feed supplement. Healthy Start is a concentrated all-natural feed additive. Optimizing gut health from the earliest days will minimize medication costs, improve overall health and magnify your return on investment (ROI).

Healthy Start supports the innate microbiome with inulin, glycoproteins, proteins, and polypeptides. Healthy Start provides vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and nutrients that are immediately bioavailable for uptake and use due to our unique fermentation process. Learn More

Contact for pricing at 1-800-238-6075 or request a quote below.

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Healthy Start is:

An all-natural product

Safe and easy to use

Stable at room temperature, and requires no refrigeration

A concentrated formula: Economical for good ROI

Scientific Studies with Healthy Start have shown:

Calf Lying in Pen

How Does Healthy Start Work?

Healthy Start is a unique fermentation product produced by utilizing a select strain of Lactobacillus in a specialized fermentation process. Healthy Start contains fermentation products and cell material that benefit the microbial population in the digestive tract. Studies have shown that a healthy intestinal microflora improves health and performance of calves. Improved intestinal health translates into improved ADG, feed efficiency, and feed intake.

Establishment of a strong immune system and development of cardiovascular and muscular structure is desired early in the life of young livestock for high productivity through life.

Healthy Start can be added to colostrum or milk, drenched, added to feed, or delivered in treated water systems for convenience on the farm.

Research with Healthy Start:

University and field studies, in conjunction with extensive research, have demonstrated the benefits of Healthy Start in comparison to other feed additives.

Hundreds of field studies and university research studies have provided examples of the benefits of Healthy Start in livestock. Here are a few examples highlighting the research and findings:

Group of Cattle in Pasture - 2

Culbac® Healthy Start® improves rumen function

The University of Pennsylvania conducted a study evaluating the effect of Healthy Start on rumen function. Healthy Start increased VFA in both the acetate and ...
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Rooster and Chicken in Pasture

Healthy Start® has been shown to counteract E. coli infection in broiler chickens

Research Finding: Assessment of Healthy Start to Counteract Colisepticaemia in Broiler Chickens Clinical status, performance parameters, immune response, and bacterial count were measured in broiler ...
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Calf Lying in Pen - Scaled

Culbac® fed to veal calves increases carcass grade, feed efficiency and daily gain

Improvements in health and performance of young calves usually translate into better health and production. These include faster stimulation of rumen function, reduction in mortality, ...
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Inclusion Rates for Healthy Start

Animal Amount
Goats/Sheep 1/8 -1/4 fl. oz. (4-8 ml)/head/day
Kids/Lambs 1/16 fl. Oz (0.5 - 1 mL)
Poultry 1/2 fl. oz. (15 ml) gallon
Pig 1/2 fl. oz. (15 ml) gallon
Stressed/Performance 1 fl. oz. (28 ml) gallon
Beef & Dairy Calves (newborn/stressed) Day 1 1/2 fl. oz. (15 ml)/head/day
Calves till weaning 1/4 fl. oz. (8 ml)/head/day
Adults Stressed 1/2 fl. oz. (15 ml)/head/day
Adults 1/4 fl. oz. (8 ml)/head/day
Horse Foal 1/6 fl. oz. (5 ml)/head/day
To weaning 1/4 fl. oz. (8 ml)/head/day
Yearling 1/2 fl. oz. (15 ml)/head/day
Adult 1 fl. oz. (28 ml)/head/day

Packaging Options for Healthy Start

Unit Size Units per Case Product Code
1 pint 12 1-1900
1 gal 4 1-1700
5 gal 1 1-1705
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Bulk Call for quote Call for quote

Available in quantities of 1 pint, 1 gallon, 5 gallon,  250 gallon totes or bulk

1 Pint

1 Gallon

5 Gallon




Cattle at Trough with Healthy Start and Culbac Dry Product Inset

"[We feed Culbac®] because we’ve seen better feed intake and healthier cattle. And our calves have taken off a lot better with the liquid (HealthyStart®)."

Matt Rohl | Ellsworth, WI
Rohl Dairy

Dairy Cattle in Pasture with Healthy Start and Culbac Dry Inset

"Culbac® has made a big impact on our calf raising. The calves are livelier and we use a lot less drugs and see a lot less scour problems. We feel Culbac® is the first product that has worked the way the salesman has said it was supposed to work."

Ken & Kelly Seubert | Wisconsin Dairy Products

Dairy Cattle in Pond with Healthy Start and Culbac Dry Inset

"I’ve been using Culbac® (Animal) for nearly four years. It really increased my cows feed intake and I got better herd health and improved conception rates."

Terry Napierala| Mayer, MN
Culbac® user for 4 years

Cattle in Far Off Pasture Shot with Healthy Start and Culbac Dry Inset

"I’ve used Culbac® for Animals for 20 years and I wouldn’t farm without it. It has reduced my feed costs by as much as 10% and there’s a noticeable impact on the cow’s ability to cope with stress during milk production. I see an improvement in calf health with the liquid (Healthy Start®) the calves have been stronger from birth."

Don Hoese | Mayer, MN
Culbac® user for 20 years

Dairy Calves and Healthy Start Inset

"We have been feeding it (Healthy Start®) to our new born baby dairy calves. They’ve been improving greatly with their scour control. We give them 15 cc starting at day 2 for about a week and with that program we have had great success! I see an improvement in calf health with the liquid (Healthy Start®) the calves have been stronger from birth."

Erin Rohl | Ellsworth, WI
Culbac® user for 10 years

Dairy Cattle at Trough with Healthy Start and Culbac Dry Inset

"We started feeding Culbac® to our young calves and right away noticed reduced scours and they were better at taking off on their feed. The adults eat better, and we have seen less bloat...It really does work!"

Randy Oldenburg | Belle Plaine, MN
Customer since 1978

Cow Herd in Pasture with Healthy Start Insert

"I've been feeding Culbac® for about 40 years. On the cows, I have seen better breeding, and they seem to utilize their feed better...with the calves that are a little slower performing, we have seen better appetite."

Patrick O’Brien | Kasson, MN
Customer since 1970