Culbac® Animal Dry – Nutritional Feed Supplement for Livestock

Culbac Animal Dry is a Culbac® Probiotic Plus™Culbac® Probiotic Plus™ is a proprietary beneficial bacterial fermentation product that has undergone a special processing and is enhanced and stabilized to support the growth of good bacteria and minimize pathogens that can negatively impact your soil, plants or animals. Additional vitamins, minerals and amino acids are added to the formulations for extra benefit.  supplement which has consistently outperformed probiotics and prebiotics alone in livestock. Boosting performance and profitability of livestock by enhancing immune responsiveness, reducing stress-related illness, improving digestibility and nutrient uptake, and supporting a high population of beneficial organisms in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the goal of prebiotics and probiotics alike. Culbac Animal Dry achieves the characteristics of a combined probiotic and prebiotic formulation.

Culbac Animal Dry’s concentrated formula is an easy-to-use, dry feed supplement, that contains vitamins, minerals, biopeptides, amino acids, glycoproteins in a nutrient medium and our proprietary bacteria in a protected stabilized form. Unlike many other products on the market that use probiotics or prebiotics alone, Culbac Animal Dry doesn’t require refrigeration because we stabilize the microorganisms in our products.

Hundreds of studies with Culbac Animal Dry have demonstrated that it is safe and effective. Formulations that stimulate the growth of beneficial, native intestinal microflora enhance immune effectiveness and increase livestock performance and profitability of agricultural operations. The result? Healthier animals, lower costs and increased profits.     Learn More

Contact for pricing at 1-800-238-6075 or request a quote below.

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Culbac Dry is:

Stable, doesn’t require refrigeration and has long shelf life at room temperature

A concentrated formula: Economical for good ROI

Safe and easy to handle

Studies with Culbac Dry have shown:

  • weaning
  • changes in diet
  • transportation
  • heat stress

How Culbac Dry Works

Culbac Dry is a feed supplement for daily use. Simply add it to the feed. Once it reaches the animals’ gut, our stable product releases its active components stimulating the monitoring systems in the gut and helping beneficial bacteria already present in the gut to grow. The cellular structure of the bacteria in Culbac Dry and immune-stimulating cpgDNA are released, arming and preparing the immune system for challenges.

The key to helping animals thrive is a healthier gut leading to improved feed efficiency and better livestock performance.

Research with Culbac Dry has shown

Extensive university research and numerous field studies have delivered results that show Culbac Dry outperforms the competition. Here is an overview highlighting some research and findings:

Dairy Cows in Pasture

Culbac® products help dairy cows cope with periods of high temperatures

Heat stress occurs when the environmental temperature matches or exceeds that of the cow’s internal temperature. This causes a decrease in a cow’s feed intake, ...
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Piglet Peeking over Fence

Research trials on Culbac

Research trials show Culbac products significantly improves body weight gain, reduces scours and resulting mortality, enhances immune response and reduces E. coli levels in stomach Full ...
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Rooster and Chicken in Pasture

Culbac® BG reduces mortality and increases growth and productivity in poultry

Research trials conducted with broilers, layers and turkeys have shown Culbac® BG reduces mortality, significantly improves feed conversion and increase the number of large-size eggs ...
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Research in dairy cows fed Culbac demonstrated:

  • increased feed intake in the range of 3-5% in the presence of heat stress
  • improved persistence in milk production among cows normally expected to show a decline in the advanced stages of lactation
  • increased 3.5% fat corrected milk yield by an overall average of 5.6 lbs per head daily. This increase was 9.5lbs with cows in early stages of lactation and 4.4lbs with cows in the later stages of lactation
  • increased butterfat production by .22lbs and solids not fat by .36 lbs. per head daily
  • reduced milk somatic cell count by over 67%
  • 48% reduction in cows requiring therapeutic medications

Feed Inclusion Rates for Culbac Dry

Culbac Dry is used as a daily supplement for a wide variety of livestock. It is applied to feed rations during the mixing process or can be top dressed.

Animal Feed Inclusion Rate (Metric) Feed Inclusion Rate
Beef cattle Newly-arrived feedlot cattle and calves 12 – 15 grams/head/day 3 lbs. per ton of feed
Maintenance level 6 - 10 grams/head/day 2 lbs. per ton of feed
Lactating or stressed 13 - 18 grams/head/day 3 - 5 lbs. per ton of feed
Dairy cattle Calves 12 - 15 grams/head/day 3 lbs. per ton of feed
Maintenance level 6 - 10 grams/head/day 2 lbs. per ton of feed
Lactating or stressed 13 - 18 grams/head/day 3 - 5 lbs. per ton of feed
Sheep Lambs 3 grams/head/day 4 - 8 lbs. per ton (may be added to creep feed)
Ewes or Rams 3 - 6 grams/head/day 4 - 8 lbs. per ton of feed
Goats Kids 3 grams/head/day 4 - 8 lbs. per ton (may be added to creep feed)
Does or Bucks 3 - 6 grams/head/day 4 - 8 lbs. per ton of feed
Poultry Rations 3 grams per 2.3 kg of feed 2 lbs. per ton of feed
Swine 15 - 70 lbs. 8-10 lbs. per ton of feed 8-10 lbs. per ton of feed
70 lbs to market 5 lbs. per ton of feed 5 lbs. per ton of feed
Boars and Gestating Sows 6 grams/head/day 5 lbs. per ton of feed
Horses Weanling 12 grams/head/day .2 ounce per 100 lbs. body weight (2 scoops)
Yearling 15 - 18 grams/head/day .1 ounce per 100 lbs. body weight (3 scoops)
Adult 15 - 24 grams/head/day .1 - .2 ounce per 100 lbs. body weight (4 scoops)

Packaging Options for Culbac Dry

Size Options Product Number
1 lbs. tub 1-2503
3 lbs. tub 1-2504
50 lbs. bag 1-2514
800 lbs. totes Request a Quote
Bulk Request a Quote

Available in quantities of 1lb tub, 3 lb tub, 50 lb bag, 800 gallon totes, and bulk

1 lb Tub

3 lb Tub

50 lb Bag

800 lb Tote

